November 2021 Newsletter
Christmas Party
Christmas is approaching fast and we are very excited about all our festive activities. If your child will be attending the Christmas party on the 16th, please make sure you bring the £5 contribution to Preschool this week, thank you to those who have already paid! The contributions are to cover the entertainment, food and prizes for the party.
Christmas Jumper Week
The week beginning 13th of December will be a Christmas jumper week! The children are invited to wear Christmas outfits to Preschool, please don’t spend extra money for this occasion, some tinsel pinned to a jumper is fine!
Bake Sale!
Snack Our fundraiser for next term’s snack will be a Festive Bake Sale! We are asking Parents and the wider community to donate festive themed cakes and biscuits which will be sold at Preschool on Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th at pick-up times. There is a prize for the most festive bake, the winner will be announced on Wednesday the 15th . Don’t forget to bring your cash for the sale to support our fundraising efforts!
Cold weather
The weather has certainly taken a sharp turn in the last few weeks, and, as a free-flow setting, it is important that all the children have appropriate, warm clothing including a jumper, thick coat, winter hat and gloves to keep them warm throughout the session. We do not make the children go outside if they don’t want to, but the doors are always open so it can become a little chilly indoors when it is very cold outside, so the children need to be dressed appropriately for the temperature. Please name all your child’s belongings as it can be difficult to reunite lost items with the correct owner without a named label!
Many thanks
T-Shirts: £6.50 Sweatshirts: £14.00 Hoodies: £15.00 We have plenty of T-shirts in stock, if you would like to buy a sweater or hoodie please let us know and we will get them ordered for you.
Upcoming Dates
• Monday 13th – Thursday 16th of December – Christmas jumper week
• Tuesday 14th – Deadline for donations for the Festive Bake Sale.
• Tuesday 14th & Wednesday 15th – Festive Bake Sale
• Thursday 16th of December – Christmas Party 11am – 1pm.
• Friday 17th of December – INSET DAY/PRESCHOOL CLOSED
• Tuesday 4th of January – Preschool open for new term.