May Newsletter
We hope you are all looking forwards to the half term break next week, Preschool opens again on Monday the 6th of June for the last term of this academic year! Please remember to let us know if your child will be leaving us before September so we can update next year’s register, and please let us know asap if you require more sessions next term as spaces are filling up quickly!
Upcoming dates
Monday 30 th May – Half term begins Monday 6 th June
Summer Term 2 begins Friday 15th of July
Animal Encounters and themed picnic (for all children, more details to follow) Wednesday 20th of July
Graduation (more details to follow) END OF TERM Thursday 21st of July
Thursday 1st of September – Inset Day PRESCHOOL CLOSED (Home visits)
Friday 2nd of September – Inset Day PRESCHOOL CLOSED (Home visits)
Monday 5th of September – Autumn term begins PRESCHOOL OPEN
Just a reminder that we have children who have nut allergies at Preschool, therefore it is very important that the children have no nut products in their lunches please.
We also cannot have sweets at Preschool, Ofsted requirements state that settings should be encouraging healthy eating and good oral health, so we would not be meeting those standards if we allow the children to have sugary sweets at lunchtime. Many thanks for your continued support with this.
Preschool Committee
Our current Committee are making plans to stand down in September, we now only have one current Parent on our Committee, and this means we are not meeting the requirements of the governing documents for the setting.
The reality is, without a Committee the Preschool will close, so we are appealing to all our Parents who will be with us in September to consider joining. As a general Committee member, you would be invited to attend one or two meetings a term (usually via Zoom) to discuss fundraising and other Preschool business. There are roles with more depth, such as Chairperson or Treasurer, these would be great roles to add to your CV if you are interested in developing your knowledge and experience.
If you would be interested in joining the Committee or would like more information, please email