January Newsletter 2023
January Newsletter
We hope you all had a lovely Christmas, the children have settled back into Preschool very well! We have enjoyed hearing all about their visits from Santa, it sounds like he was very generous this year!
Parent’s Meetings You should have all been offered an appointment to meet with your child’s Key Worker next week, the meetings are to discuss your child’s report, and to update you on how they are progressing at Preschool. Each Key Worker has been assigned a day for their meetings, but if you are unable to attend on that day, we can offer a Zoom meeting or an alternative appointment instead. Please speak to your child’s Key Worker to arrange an appointment that works for you.
Bacon Butty Morning and Stay and Play – Tuesday the 7th of February We are holding our next Stay & Play session on Tuesday the 7th, the session will begin at 10 and beforehand we will be serving tea, coffee, and bacon rolls in the office. Please do come along from 9.15 for an informal chat with us and other parents, this time we will be joined by Debbie, our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator (SENDCO), who will be on hand to chat about any worries you may have around behaviour, sleep, or your child’s general development. We will look forward to hopefully seeing many of you there, if your child doesn’t normally attend Preschool on a Tuesday, you are still welcome to join us, they can go and have a play whilst you enjoy a bacon roll!
Valentines Disco – Friday the 10th of February 11am – 1pm This term’s fundraiser will be our annual Valentine’s disco! We are asking for a £2 donation for the event, which will include games, prizes, biscuit decorating, and lots of dancing! All children are invited to come to the disco, if they do not usually attend on a Friday they are welcome to come along from 11 until 1, please send your child with a packed lunch as we will not be providing substantial food, just a few treats. All donations will go towards snack for next term, please bring your donations in before the disco on the 10th, many thanks!
Craft supplies The craft table is one of the busiest areas at Preschool, the children love creating their own artwork and are so proud to take it home and show their loved ones! Unfortunately, craft materials are very expensive, and with 36 children on the register we are needing to restock regularly. Therefore, we are kindly appealing to our parents to donate some craft resources such as collage materials, paint, felt-tip pens, chalk, or anything that can be used creatively. Your donations would be very gratefully received!
Community Walks The Team have been busy preparing for parent’s meetings for the last couple of weeks, so our walks have been paused to allow them to write reports and organise their appointments. The community walks will start again from February, every child will go out in a small group to explore the local area. We will display a list of groups on the front door next week, please ensure your child has a warm coat, hat and gloves for their walk, thank you!
Collection times We need to kindly ask that parents do not send their children back into Preschool after they have been collected unless absolutely necessary. We are finding that a few children are being signed out but then coming back inside to find pictures or gloves etc, which can cause a lot of confusion for the adults who are trying to make sure each child has been safely handed over to their parents. If your child has forgotten something that they really need, please can you wait until all the children have been let out before you send them back into the building, this is so we can ensure that every child has been signed out and handed over to their responsible adult. Many thanks!
Labelling belongings Please make sure all of your child’s belongings are named to avoid items going missing or going home with the wrong child. We have up to 28 children at a time so, as you can imagine, it is very difficult for us to keep track of everyone’s belongings if they are not named. Thank you for your support with this!
Uniform If you are interested in purchasing some uniform for your child, we have Preschool t-shirts in stock, and we can order hoodies on request. Uniform is a great way to protect your child’s clothes from the inevitable mess that occurs at Preschool, if you would like to order some, prices are: Preschool T-shirts: £6.50 Preschool Hoodies: £15 To place a uniform order, please email Rachael at 325preschool@gmail.com
Dates for your diary: Week beginning 23rd of January – Parent’s meetings Tuesday 7th February – Bacon butty morning and Stay & Play from 9.15 Friday 10th of February – Valentines Disco 11am – 1pm Monday 13th to Friday 17th of February – HALF TERM Monday 20th of February – Preschool open for Spring Term 2 Thank you all for your continued support!
Preschool Team